Flying pony!

Dino is feeling pretty good at the moment, which is excellent. We have been doing a bit of Connection Training groundwork, mixed up with some flatwork and….some tiny jumps! We haven’t jumped in months so this is pretty good and I’m hoping to keep this up once a week. He really seemed to enjoy it!

We’ve been working on flags for the Horse Agility as well, and he’s really getting to grips with them. Still not sure about the waving but not too bad at all:

He’s looking really well. He’s put back on all the weight he lost so now it’s trying to make sure he doesn’t put on too much again! Might take him back to one haynet during the day and keep the amount he’s getting at night. Hopefully the fields will open soon.

He’s been in pretty high spirits though which is lovely. Still moulting though, really hoping the super shed stops soon. Everything is covered in pony hair…

19 for 2019: March update

Bit more on time this month!

1.Have at least one holiday that involves a hot tub
It now looks like September holiday plan might actually accidentally involve a hot tub. And I’ve organised a week away in April.

2.Go walking in a National Park
Part of the September plan!

3.Go to at least one cider festival
Not yet!

4.Visit at least 3 museums
Saw Wildlife Photographer of the Year at Natural History Museum with my sister

5.Drink cocktails at least 6 times (in a cocktail bar)
Jan: Ticked off one of these with Kath and EJ at Mother’s Ruin
Feb: Ticked second one off at Every Cloud with the whole crew

6.Do a come and sing Mozart Requiem (or Mass in C minor)
Not yet

7.Get to show 400 of Girls Gone WoW
Jan: Currently at 351
Feb: 358 up this evening
Mar: 359 up this evening

8.Go to Blizzcon
Still planning…

9.Finally get caught up with Arrow/Flash/Supergirl/LoT etc
Jan: Started on The Flash season 3
Feb: Making progress….
Mar: About halfway through season 3 Flash now

10.Eat more healthily
Jan: Been using the slow cooker a bit and generally eating better
Feb: Was doing ok but fallen off a bit recently
Mar: Not feeling great about this at the moment

11.Regularly cycle to work (at least twice per week)
Utterly failing at this! The weather has been terrible and my new office is soooooo close to the tube…

12.Read 20 books
Jan: Finished two and halfway through a third.
Feb: Up to 5 by end of Feb
Mar: Up to 8 by end of Mar

13.Have Bibliogoth happen every month
January happened, February happened, March happened, April next week

14.Either get a pay rise or get a new job
Jan: We shall see. I need to up my game I think as I’m sensing my boss isn’t that thrilled with me at present.

15.Have a better mental health year
Well it’s not been a great start… But maybe I can move forward now.
Mar: Still not great to be honest.

16.Compete at prelim
Jan: Pony hasn’t been right so not actually ridden for weeks. Trying to get on top of his weight issues.
Feb: Got on top of the weight problem and he’s back in work!
Mar: Pony is doing really well at the moment. Thinking about putting in a dressage anywhere video

17.Compete in the online Horse Agility competition
Jan: We have mastered standing in a hoop, tried some S-bends and started with the curtain. Really hoping to get something into the first monthly competition – deadline is 14 February
Feb: Missed February and March but aiming for April
Mar: Still aiming for April – done some practice!

18.Jump a clear round
Need to get his fitness back up!
Mar: We have popped a few tiny jumps this week for the first time since July!

19.Go hacking at least once per month
We hacked at least twice in January!
Feb: Missed this as the equine flu outbreak messed meant we were restricted to yard.
Mar: Missed this as well.

March’s photo topic was movement, but to be honest I didn’t really get much chance to think about it.