Longeing 1

Got the longeing ‘touchstone’ filmed yesterday! I’m keen to move onto the work in hand as it feels like there’s more progress to be made there. We have however totally mastered stopping on a circle which is awesome because he really struggled with it for ages!

Still not quite right

Osteopath being out on Saturday I wanted some video just to keep ruling out muscular/joint issues with all this unwillingness and bucking we’ve been having. Didn’t actually get any bucking today, although Dino wasn’t the most forward and we did have some really silly ‘NO DON’T WANNA’ right at the start of the session which is odd – usually it’s after he’s had enough. After I went ‘no really, come on’ though he settled down.

So….for reference:

Now. Interesting I think! 1. He’s backed off again so my riding has slipped back to nagging. Oops. 2. The trot actually looks ok??? I mean he’s stepping under quite nicely and he has quite a nice frame most of the time? Thoughts? 3. Canter is a bit of a mess…but no actual bucking.

I think the trot improvement is a direct result of the straightness training if I’m honest and I’m pretty convinced there’s no muscular or joint issues but I shall keep you all posted!

Succeed working?

I’m tentatively thinking the Succeed might be working…. He’s still tense about being brushed but the level of upset about it seems reduced. He’s still unhappy about being girthed, but again…does seem to be less so. We did some ST lunging today (nearly ready to submit that touchstone!) and then had a walk/trot up the bridlepath before the trimmer arrived and he was lovey and forward out. Striding out nicely.

Little monkey apparently had his muzzle off within 5 mins of being in the summer field on Monday! Tan turned him out and by the time she came back with the next one he was muzzle-less. Not very effectively so as it was in plain sight and he didn’t get it off again after she reapplied it. He dragged me down the hill to the field this morning, was dancing on his toes for me to give him his treat by the gate and then VROOOOOOOOOOOM off down the field he went. So he seems happier! :db:

Quick update

Right. Ostepath says he’s about the same as usual. Right hip a bit jammed up but left neck very jammed up. Dino was not a fan of the unjamming process although he did yawn and lick and chew a lot afterwards so it was clearly a release!

Today the saddler came up to recheck the saddle again after it was reflocked. Evened up the flocking a bit but thinks it’s generally fine and that Dino’s back is much better. Not reactive to pressure anywhere that he could find and he thinks the topline is improving. So I think it’s all going the right way! :party:

Groundwork 1

Lovely warm weather at last! :db:

Having a bit of a straightness training kick at the moment. I went to a clinic with Elaine Coxon at the weekend which was really good. There was a wide range of horse & handlers at various stages of their ST journeys so lots of good gems to remember. Beth came up to see us yesterday and Mr B was super helpful in recording my first ‘touchstone’ to be submitted for marking! Very interested to see what the feedback is.

He at least back out in the field and summer fields open next week!!! :yahoo: