Getting better…

Managed to get out for a short hack today! Big thanks to Sam and Wood-face who are a both amazing. Just a 35 min walk round Gunpowder but it was lovely to get out again. Hopefully we’ll manage to make this more of a regular thing which I think will help Dino a lot. 

Schooling this week has been a bit ploddy again. Even though the school did dry out a bit later in the week he’s still really uncertain about the footing and not keen to move forwards but we did have a few nice moments. I would settle for colder and dry right now though I have to say! Forecast for this coming week is better so I guess we’ll see!!

Dismal Weather

Well it has been thoroughly miserable and the school is seriously flooded which has meant it’s really hard to do as David has commanded! Even the front school is very deep and Dino really hates it and struggles to move really at all. So we’ve been doing short, mostly walk and trot, sessions which was not what was ordered. Ho hum. 

I’m hoping it will dry up a bit next week and we can get moving again. Meanwhile we did have a play at some silliness in a Santa hat for no reason. Enjoy!