Vet stuff

RVC just called me to cancel my appointment with Goncalo as he’s unwell and expected to be off work for a number of months. They wouldn’t say why, quite correctly, but they did say they expect him back ‘at full strength’ in a few months time. So that means I have to see Sarah who is a lovely vet, not very experienced and I can probably talk her into referring Dino for a scope without too much trouble. So…from Dino’s perspective that might be a win although I really hope Goncalo is ok!!!! I like him a lot, as a human being as much as a vet. 😥

I think I will try and snag her about this next week when she comes to the yard and see if I can get him in there asap.

I don’t really like hay nets and stopped netting Dino’s hay some years ago as it was building up the muscles in his neck a bit funny with all his jaw issues. But I take your point. Would need to be more than one net to make much difference to his eating speed though, hard to slow him down much.

Mud fever

I think we’re sort of there with the mud fever. :db: He’s still got one spot of scabs type stuff on one leg but mostly they’ve gone. He’s had a couple of mornings out anyway – slathered in pig oil, hosed, dried and Flamazine-d when he’s come in so I think next week I’ll ask them to put him out in the afternoons, hose him and stick his wraps on when he comes in and then we can check him over and apply some cream if needed in the evenings.

I have noticed he’s been very touchy about his belly since he’s been in though. He almost reared when I tried to tighten his girth last night and turned to nip me when I put my leg on at one point. 😥 I have the osteo out in a couple of weeks and the vet shortly after that to do his jabs and check his teeth. I will raise the possibility of ulcers with the vet again as he’s been noticeably worse with no access to grazing. His hip feels a lot better after doing quite a bit of ST and working over poles so I think the osteo might be reasonably happy with him but I think there’s an underlying issue somewhere. Not like him to nip without a cause. Not one thing it’s another, huh? Although this has been bubbling along for a couple of years really. :wall:

I would like him to be somewhere where he could be out grazing all night all year round ideally. Going to get organised about visiting some places soon!

New year!

Gawd, blink and another few weeks whizz by and no blog update! :-[

It feels like it’s been a bit of a long month. I thought we’d fixed the mud fever but found new scabs which are proving a bit stubborn so he’s still in all day. I have got permission for yard staff to put him in the indoor with Boysie for a short while each morning which is good but I’d rather he was moving a bit more. Since he’s been in he’s felt very stiff in canter so I’ve been working a lot over poles, both ridden and free, to try and loosen him up. The osteo is due back out beginning of February so I’ll get his verdict then. I’m hoping in the longer term the straightness training will help strengthen up his weaker hip so he doesn’t have a sort of plateau of feeling a bit not quite right every time with up the work.

Exciting day today! We went out to Warehill (our ‘local’ dressage venue – 1 hour travel now Patchett’s has gone) to do the intro again and bought home a rosette! I think we were 4th of 7, which is much better than usual and the score was 61% which is about 3% more than previous efforts so I’m very pleased with that!

You can see the video here. If you’re wondering why I don’t have black half chaps on it’s cos I forgot them so it looks a bit pony club with short boots on, and I’m very glad my jods didn’t ride up my leg!! :-[

He was pretty forward in the warm up, I think the cooler weather helps, but he dropped off significantly as soon as he came down the centre line and I went back to nagging. I really need to fix that. It can only be my fault he drops back, I would guess I’m tensing and feeling more anxious and he’s reacting to that even though these days I don’t ‘feel nervous’ as such. Need to work on my legs at home and then concentrate on relaxing in the ring! But lots of like as well, and pleased to get a rosette! :party: