Moving forwards

Another update! I’m almost remembering to do this regularly… 🙂

What a difference a bit of sun makes! :db: The weather has been pretty great recently and he’s been quite keen to get out and about. The yard has resurfaced the school we usually ride on which is *lovely* and generally he’s been pretty forward and willing of late. Things seem to have calmed down a bit personally – managed to sneak in a brief weekend in Morocco (including 2 hour hack through the Atlas Mountains!) and it was great to just get away from everything for a couple of days.

We’ve been working on two things recently: moving off the leg and bending. He is moving much more forward after his very lazy period over Christmas and is beginning to bend a bit better. The osteopath has been out again and says he’s still very very stiff through his pelvis, hips and neck and we’re wondering how much I (and M) are contributing to this so I have a session with him myself in a couple of weeks to see how my stiffness matches up with Dino’s! I suspect this will prove quite interesting and provide more homework for me!!

I would like to get him in a bit more work – aiming at ridden 45-60 mins ridden 4 times a week and then couple of in hand or lunging sessions on top that. He was weighed yesterday and came in at 600kg which I’m not surprised by but it more than I want him to be. I need to get someone to check how tall he actually is but I think he could use losing 25-35 kg really. He’s got a bit of an apple bum going on and his ribs are a little hard to find…

Anyway, basically feeling pretty positive about things right now although I’ve yet to hear from the vet about how happy (or otherwise) he is with the jaw. *sigh*.

It’s not a real update without pictures is it?

Long-lining down the bridle path…see what I mean about the bum??

Bathed him today and plaited up his mane for 3 reasons: 1 – to try and stop him rubbing it, 2 – to try and stop me over-brushing it and 3 – I’ve been slightly struggling to see how his bend is to the left as his mane has been in the way!

‘Oh for heavens sake Mum! Can we not just go????’

Got my friend Claire to snap one of us together

Only trouble with today is it wasn’t sunny. This is what colour he actually is and much prettier it is too:

For anyone who’s interested, this is the last jaw pic I sent to the vet: